How to care
for your Palm


Ahhhh – Palm Plants. Don’t they remind you of a tropical vacation? The one you can’t take because you purchased too many plant babies? Well, here’s the next best thing. Native to South America, Asia and the Caribbean, there are 2,600 species of Palm trees spread within the Arecaceae family of plants. A classic beauty, Palms are known for their large, evergreen leaves known as fronds. If you’re looking to spruce up your home to look like a jungle, then Palm trees are an excellent choice as they’re generally tolerant to neglect, don’t require a lot of light and are easy to care for. While tropical in nature, there are a few varieties of Palm plants with origins from the desert – so their watering needs will be quite different than their tropical counterparts.

Palm Family

Livistona Rotundifolia, Fan Palm

Chamaedorea Elegans, Parlour Palm

Ravenea Rivularis, Majestic Palm

Beaucarnea Recurvata, Ponytail Palm

Phoenix Roebelenii, Pygmy Date Palm

Hyophorbe verschaffeltii, Spindle Palm

Rhapis Excelsa, Lady Palm

Thrinax Radiata, Florida Thatch Palm

Bismarckia Nobilis, Bismarck Palm

Cycas Revoluta, Sago Palm

Cataractarum Palm, Cat Palm 

Dypsis Lutescens, Areca Palm

Chamaedorea Cataractarum, Cascade Palm

Yucca Elephantipes, Yucca Palm

Howea forsteriana, Kentia Palm

Care Tips

     Care Level : Beginner, Expert or Somewhere in the middle.

One of the reasons Palm plants are such common houseplants is because they can easily adapt to low-light conditions. They’re excellent plants for beginners.


Most indoor Palm plants prefer the shade more than the sun, so finding a spot where it can receive bright and indirect sunlight is best. In the winter months, they can tolerate much lower light conditions. Avoid placing your Palm anywhere where it’ll get the direct impact of the sun.


Palm plants like their soil to be evenly moist – more so in the summer months. When winter rolls around, you can let its soil dry out more in-between watering. Using a finger (your finger, preferably) or a stick, check to see if the top 2” of the soil is dry before you give it water. You’ll want to be mindful of overwatering, since Palms are sensitive to too much. If your Palm starts to get brown tips, it could be a sign that it’s not getting enough water.


Palms like humidity, so we recommend you mist your Palm, pair it with a humidifier or place it on top of a tray of pebbles submerged  in water. If your Palm starts to get brown tips, it could also be a sign that it requires more moisture.


Very few Palm varietals can tolerate cold temperatures, so you’ll want to stick to warmer conditions in the 15°C-26°C range. If your Palm starts to get brown tips, it could be a sign that it’s cold. Keep Palms away from cold drafts, A/C units, etc.


Palm plants are non-toxic to dogs, cats and birds. So, if you’ve got a menagerie of the three, then Palms are your new BFF.

Fan Palm

Pygmy Date Palm

Palm Sago

Florida Thatch Palm

     Other fun facts:

  • Palm plants are good indoor air cleaners – some might call it an efficient air humidifier.
  • Some Palm trees can reach heights of 70 feet or more – so if you live in a 7-story home your Palm could one day touch your mansion’s ceilings
  • In Ancient times, the Assyrians believed that the ultimate symbol of eternal life was a tree growing beside a stream. The tree they valued the most was the Palm. Take note.
  • Depending on the species, some palms can live for more than a century, so you’ll want to end-of-life plan accordingly.

Shop Palm Plants

Jessie Duenas