How to care
for your Pothos


Native to the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific, the Pothos, a trailing vine plant, is notable as being one of the easiest house plants to grow. You’ve likely encountered one in just about any café with windows – usually paired with a Sansevieria for those who don’t want to work too hard to say they have a green thumb. Pothos plants are members of the Araceae plant family. 

Pothos are bright, bushy (no tail) and add a touch of easy green in your home or office. Its heart-shaped leaves are sometimes variegated with bright accents of white, yellow or pale green – some call it fashion, we call it nature. They’re members of the Araceae plant family and also go by a few names, like Golden Pothos, Ivy Arum, Money Plant, Devil’s Ivy or Devil’s Vine, the latter is likely because they can thrive in low-light conditions and are hard to kill or banish – yet easy enough to summon on your first try.

Pothos Family

Golden Pothos

Marble Queen Pothos

Neon Pothos

Jessenia Pothos

Manjula Pothos

Pearls and Jade Pothos

Silver / Satin Pothos

Cebu Blue Pothos

Care Tips

     Care Level : Beginner, Expert or Somewhere in the middle.

The Pothos is a great plant for beginners – they’re easy to maintain and can grow in almost any spot of your home. 


Pothos can tolerate a variety of light conditions, on the one condition you don’t put it in direct sunlight where it’ll burn. Pothos plants thrive well in bright, indirect sunlight and are very tolerant of low-light conditions; just note that if you keep it in low-light there’ll be less variegation. If existing or new leaves suddenly turn pale, it doesn’t mean your plant’s shy, it means they’re getting way too much direct sunlight.  


Wait for the soil to dry out completely before watering. Damp soil can result in the plant's roots to rot. Look out for signs of black spots on its leaves – this means the soil has been kept too wet. Alternatively, when the plant starts to droop or its leaves look dry or start browning, then it needs more water. However, do not wait for this to happen. Check for dry soil and water.


Pothos plants prefer high levels of humidity, making it one of the few living things you can sustain eye contact with in the bathroom and not have it be weird or creepy. If you already have a humidifier, then your Pothos will sure appreciate it. That said, they are also very tolerant of low-humidity conditions – like we said – they’re great low-maintenance plants.


Pothos are resilient plants that can grow well in any environment above 10°C – but the true sweet spot is between 18 to 24°C.


Pothos plants are mildly toxic to pets – we don’t recommend you test just how mild they are. If Bella, Luna or Charlie ingest it, it’ll cause mild oral irritation, and no one wants that for your best friend(s). Consider getting non-toxic plants like the Pinstripe Calathea, Prayer plant or Peperomias so Bella, Luna and Charlie can live in a toxic-free household.

Pothos Pearl & Jade

Pothos Marble Queen

Neon Pothos

Pothos Cebu Blue

     Other fun facts:

  • Pothos is also one of those plants that has a reputation for purifying toxins in the air.
  • Pothos are incredibly resilient and don’t even need a soil medium to grow – you can grow one in just a glass/body of water
  • Pothos that grow in the wild can reach up to 35 to 40 feet AND they can flower once they’ve hit their stride and maturity; unfortunately, it’s unlikely that’ll ever happen in your home … but they still deserve your love and attention!

Shop Pothos Plants

Jessie Duenas